Rubble: A Poem

I found a breather, down the other street

In a greenish blazer, unshaved yet so sweet


We walked the boulevard, our steps were unmatched

We got to a park and, on a bench we sat


I sang him a song, I told him a joke

To me he warmed up, Loose the stroy broke


The rage and the madness, the corruption in my mind

Unmasked the emotion, let the fight inside


I scratched at my marks, I said I have lied

He didn't know me, he was barely kind


He told me I was wrong, he pressed on the bruise 

That's all a soul needs, a cold titanic cruise


So God made the head, Built to be rubble

And heart to be destroyed, into a brothel


I finished my rant up, he gazed at me cold

He stood up with ease, left me into the crowd


I sat there unmoved, shaken motionless

Once more to find out, poems heal not a curse


To Listen~

پ.ن: من آزاد شدم :) شما چه خبر؟

~ اینجا صداها معنا دارند ~

,I turn off the lights to see
All the colors in the shadow

,It's all about the legend
,the stories
the adventure

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