
  • ۰۰:۴۰

In another world, I go to art school, study hard and get into an art college, date a guy or a girl (or maybe two) , work myself out until I get a job at disney, pixar or even a no-name animation company... to make art.

Great, fantastic, funny art. Emotion stimulating art.

music, drawings, stories... all binding together to make an unforgettable journey for some child and their siblings.

This world is not that one. I know, and nothing's going to change it.

It doesn't matter though. It really doesn't.

I'm going to close my eyes, dream of that world, and smile like it's the funniest inside joke ever.

I bet It's just as good as living it.

هلن پراسپرو

+Somnia = dreams, singular=somnium

 ++My English writing is awful *_*

~ اینجا صداها معنا دارند ~

,I turn off the lights to see
All the colors in the shadow

,It's all about the legend
,the stories
the adventure

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